This help information window can be disabled in the module settings on the right upper side Show Help information on Frontpage.
flexheader3 Help Information: The images below will be used from top to bottom. The first image wins

flexheader3 uses this folder for its images: /images/headerimg/ua/top/
the full pathname is: /var/www/vhosts/

Name of your header-image for this site 184.jpg
Name of your header-image for the menu entry: 184.jpg
Name of your header-image for the parent menu item (if applicable): no parent menu entry.jpg
Name of your header-image for the current category; no category.jpg
Name of your header-image for the current parentcategory: no parent-category.jpg
Name of your header-image for the current component: com_rsfiles.jpg

This image was found and will be used at the moment: balken_steinmaszl.jpg

Developer Debug Information

Main information

flexheader3 Version (mostly wrong): 1.5.4
Template: steinmassl
User is Guest?: 1


flexheader3 CSS Class: flexheader
Folder Location: images
Real Folder Location: images/
Folder Name: headerimg/ua/top
Default Image: balken_steinmaszl
File Type: .jpg
Specify Dimensions: 0
Height: 40
Width: 960
Indication of Dimensions: px
Display_Mode: img
DIV Content:

ALT Text:


Language Support in FL enabled: 0
LinkSupport: 0
LinkTarget: /
Load CSS File: 0

Module-ID: moduleid147
Module-Title: Flextopbar
ItemID: 184
parentcategory: no parent-category
Category: no category
ParentID: no parent menu entry
View: rsfiles
Layout: download


Show debug to guests: 1
Add Border=0 to fl object: 1
Debug_opac: 85%
Developer_Debug: 1
Debug_postion: bottom
Debug: 1
Debug_BG_Color: #ff7777

Web Image Location: /images/headerimg/ua/top/
Web Content Name : /images/headerimg/ua/top/184.jpg
Web ContentMenu Name : /images/headerimg/ua/top/184.jpg
Web ParentMenu Name : /images/headerimg/ua/top/no parent menu entry.jpg
Web Category Name : /images/headerimg/ua/top/no category.jpg
Web parentcategory Name : /images/headerimg/ua/top/no parent-category.jpg
Web Component Name : /images/headerimg/ua/top/com_rsfiles.jpg
Default Web Image: /images/headerimg/ua/top/balken_steinmaszl.jpg
WebDirName: /
Joomla Root on Server: /var/www/vhosts/
Filesystem Image Location: /var/www/vhosts/
Default FS Image: /var/www/vhosts/
Default Web Image: /images/headerimg/ua/top/balken_steinmaszl.jpg
Web CSS Content Name : /images/headerimg/ua/top/184.css
Web CSS ContentMenu Name : /images/headerimg/ua/top/184.css
Web CSS ParentMenu Name : /images/headerimg/ua/top/no parent menu entry.css
Web CSS Category Name : /images/headerimg/ua/top/no category.css
Web CSS parentcategory Name : /images/headerimg/ua/top/no parent-category.css
Web CSS Component Name : /images/headerimg/ua/top/com_rsfiles.css
Default Web CSS: /images/headerimg/ua/top/balken_steinmaszl.css
Default FS CSS: /var/www/vhosts/
Default Web CSS: /images/headerimg/ua/top/balken_steinmaszl.css
Web Output CSS:
Output CSS:
itemid prefix:
parentid prefix:
categoryid prefix:
parentcategoryid prefix:


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